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Dear Art Community,


Happy new beginnings! Our dreams are coming true! We are proud to announce the Urban-Air Art Foundation, welcoming artists and patrons of the arts to the Artist Loft Retreat in Warwick, NY. Our mission is to provide urban artists with space, time, and resources to create art in a natural environment. 


This letter is an invitation to join us as a founding friend today!


It is vital for artists to have a space where they can freely express themselves. Away from the burdens and distractions of everyday life, we aim to provide an environment that allows them to step back, recharge, and fully realize their creative potential. In this spirit, we hope to inspire a true artistic renaissance.


Do you know of an artist who could use the time and resources provided by the Urban-Air Artist Retreat? 


Our Appeal:

This letter calls for like-minded communities to become supporting friends of the Urban-Air Art Foundation. Together, let us create a community for the arts that educates, inspires, and leads us to a better quality of life, both artistically and personally. 


Urban-Air Friends get inside information, early access to art exhibits, sales for vibrant new art pieces, and opportunities to meet our artists. Your pay-it-forward support allows urban artists to retreat to historic Warwick, NY, to connect to nature and create new art. 


  • Stay at the Artist Loft Airbnb. All proceeds go towards sponsoring an art retreat.

  • Think about making a Tax-Deductible Donation to support the Urban Air Art Foundation. 

    • Support Artist Retreat Program 

    • Donate to Urban Air’s Endowment

      • 2033 Goal to Develop: Urban Air Artist Community Ten Tiny Homes. 


Our Goal:

The Urban-Air Art Foundation promotes the importance of the transformative power of artistic expression in the community. We welcome artists from all mediums to retreat to nature to take time to relax and get some fresh air in a change of scenery. 


If you believe in the value of art in our society, consider becoming a friend of Urban-Air to help us open our doors to new beginnings. Help us inaugurate and curate the Urban-Air Artist Retreat for the 2024 Artist Awards. 


Thank you for your support and for learning more about the Urban-Air Art Foundation. 


Our Appeal:

This letter calls for like-minded communities to become supporting friends of the Urban-Air Art Foundation. Together, let us create a community for the arts that educates, inspires, and leads us to a better quality of life, both artistically and personally. 




Sheryl, Krysta & Jeff

Urban Air Art Foundation Directors

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